Masters Athletics in South Africa (1975 - 2020) - (Part 1) As we all know, sports events around the world have either been cancelled or postponed. While we are in lockdown. let's have a look at some of the S.A. athletes, past and present who have contributed in some or other way to our sport. This year World Masters Athletics (WMA) (previously known as World Veteran Athletics – WVA) would have celebrated 45 years since the first world championships was held in 1975 in Toronto, and it would have been the 24 th world championships (taking place every 2 nd year). Sadly, it was not to be. However, Leo Benning, one of our founder members of S.A. Veteran Athletics, a SAMA statistician for many years, and an active athlete himself, has written a book - For the love of it – and it will be available on Amazon as soon as possible. Starting in 1975, when some of our own athletes attended the first world ...
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